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We operate in a broad portfolio of services in the environmental area. All services are developed through a highly specialized team, prepared to bring the best solutions.

These services can be previously anticipated in our On-Line Environmental Consultancy and if there is a need or interest in deepening the theme, through studies, projects and evaluations, just request our proposal. partners and in the field, in your unit.

Risk Management and Contingency
  • Preparation of Risk Analysis Studies;

  • Risk Management Plans;

  • Emergency Action Plans;

  • Analysis of environmental and social vulnerabilities;

  • Accidental scenario studies;

  • Strategies and logistics for emergency responses;

  • Analysis, evaluation and dimensioning of resources for responses;

  • Support in the analysis and recommendation of equipment and response materials;

  • Crisis Management and Communication;

  • Various trainings.

Water Management
  • Study of treatability of effluents;

  • Water availability study;

  • Design of clean and contaminated pluvial drainage system;

  • Water and effluent treatment system project;

  • Studies and Project for the treatment and reuse of rainwater and wastewater;

  • Plans for monitoring the quality of effluents and receiving bodies;

  • Technical support and operation of an effluent treatment station for companies and condominiums.

Other services
  • Studies, programs and projects to control atmospheric emissions;

  • Repair and recovery of impacted and / or degraded areas;

  • Industrial waste reduction, treatment and destination solutions;

  • Technical advice and expertise for legal proceedings in the environmental area;

  • Environmental audits and inspections for "Due Diligence" and others.

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Search for technological innovations for:

  • control and treatment of atmospheric emissions,

  • control and treatment of effluents,

  • for the reduction / recovery / destination of various industrial wastes,

  • for emergency management and control.

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