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Seta Engenharia Ambiental is a consulting company focused on the search for technological and management solutions aimed at environmental sustainability for its clients.
Through the use and sharing of internal competencies and that of its partners, it offers various technological and environmental solutions to its customers.

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Jayme de Seta Filho
Managing partner

Chemical engineer with several specialization courses in the environmental, safety and quality areas, with a postgraduate degree in advanced strategic management. He founded SETA Engenharia Ambiental in Sep / 2013, after having worked for 8 years in multinational companies in the areas of quality and environment, followed by almost 30 years at Petrobras, from the factory floor to corporate management positions, at the local level, regional, national and international.

Throughout this period, he has accumulated diverse experience both in the development and in the implementation of studies, projects, programs and processes in the environmental and industrial safety areas. More details: ( )

Assembly and installation

VAPSUS is a company that manufactures, assembles and installs URV- Steam Recovery Units. Founded in Apr / 2019, having as partners the founders of SETA Engenharia Ambiental and AllTech Ambiental , it seeks to deliver ready and "customized" solution to customers who demand the reduction of VOC emissions - Volatile Organic Compounds, in their storage processes / activities , transportation and handling of products.

Despite the special focus on supplying URV to Gas Stations, VAPSUS, with the advice and technical studies by SETA and AllTech, is able to adapt to design, assemble and install URV for any volatile product (solvents, fuels, etc.), for any flow and storage and handling activity.

The process used in VAPSUS URVs is patented with the INPI, unique and pioneering, combining conventional and widely recognized technologies, providing high recovery performance, coupled with low investment / operational cost, which can enable high financial return to the customer.

(visit our website: )

Partner company

AllTech Ambiental has been a partner company of SETA Engenharia Ambiental since its founding in 2013. Participating in many jobs, sharing its skills, provided significant gains for the various customers.

Consolidated in the market as a consulting company, AllTech Ambiental together with SETA Engenharia Ambiental complement each other in the development and improvement of various technological solutions, delivering to customers the best benefit / cost ratio for demands that require innovation and pioneering in the solution.

The best skills in partnerships

In an increasingly integrated world, a diversified network of competencies available to act in a cooperative and shared manner, in the most varied challenges, becomes our greatest differential.

Operating in this format allows us to seek the best solutions at the lowest cost.

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